I am offering a chance to win a FREE PORTRAIT SESSION. Got your attention now? Keep reading...
This past weekend, the high schoolers at our church participated in the 30 Hour Famine - a worldwide event that raises awareness and funds for children suffering from poverty and hunger-related issues. For 30 hours, our youth went without food, while doing different activities and service projects, and raising money for the cause. We even got featured in the local news! =)
This is the third year that we have had this event, and I think it's an awesome thing. I really appreciate what World Vision (the organization that sponsors 30 Hour Famine) does for children in need, in communities around the world... and I could go on and on about the awesome things they do. As a mom, my heart goes out to these kids who are facing an overwhelming amount of hardships and struggles.
So I'd like to offer this chance for anyone interested to donate towards the Famine... and have a chance to win a photo session with me in return. $30 is enough to feed one child for one month. So here is how this will work:
- If you'd like to give a donation towards the 30 Hour Famine, email me at anita@anitajcphotography.com and tell me the amount you'd like to donate.
- For every $30 that you donate, you will get 1 entry into my Free Portrait Session Drawing. (The more you donate, the greater your chances are to win!)
- Sometime next week, I will draw one winner from all the entries. The winner will receive one Basic Session with me.
- To enter, you must email me with your donation amount by next Monday, March 3rd. (I will reply to your email with more details on how to send in the donation)
- Thanks for listening and caring! Feel free to pass this along to others, as well. I know my blog is relatively new, so not sure how much traffic I am getting at this point. =)

BTW, sometimes, I half-joke that one of my dreams would be to be the photographer that gets to take these photos of these kids around the world one day...
And for those who are interested... here are the media links:
Detroit News (Friday online)
Detroit Free Press article (also shown in Sunday's paper version, front page of Local section)http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080224/NEWS03/802240664
Detroit Free Press online video (posted Sunday)