So what does this mean for "anita j c photography"? A few things...
Well, I've decided to not take any additional bookings for July and August. (If you've already contacted me about a session, this does not apply to you) Things are way too crazy right now with all we have going on with the move, and as much as I love my photography, I need to focus on other things for the time being.
If things settle down and we don't move right away, I may open up a limited number of sessions for September and beyond. (Christmas card mini-sessions, anyone?)
If you would be interested in a fall session, please email me and stay tuned to this blog! That will ensure you get first notice if and when I open up some sessions ...and it might motivate me to open up some sessions =)
Also, people keep asking if I'll keep doing this while I am in China. The answer is I don't know. I would love to, but we'll have to wait and see...
Thanks to everyone who has made this little interest/passion/obsession of mine possible, and trusting me with capturing your family and moments! I won't get totally mushy now, as I'm not quite leaving yet!!
I'll leave you with a couple recent shots of Hannah, since someone complained I don't take enough photos of her. (I do!! I just keep most of them for myself. =b)
Oh, and one final note: I will be out of town until July 1st. All emails and orders will be taken care of after I return.