Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ni hao

so it's been almost exactly a week since we landed here in China. it's such a huge change, that i'm a bit at a loss as to what to write.

but just in terms of this photography blog...
the good news: i can still access this blog and post to it. so keep checking in. =)
the bad news: i'm not having as much luck with accessing or being able to update the rest of my website. =/

but i have a feeling that, just like everything else... how i use photography here will look a whole lot different from before. we'll just have to wait and see...

hopefully, after we're fully over jetlag, and semi-settled into our new surroundings, i'll post more and include some pictures next time. in the meantime, would love to hear from you guys, from all parts of the world. =)

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