then she insisted that she get out her camera too...

then she was just being a ham...

...before i finally got a normal, boring shot for her visa application (not shown here). =)
So I was "tagged" earlier today by the lovely Jen, a fellow photographer. Fun! So here's how it works:
The rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 7 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.
So here's my stream-of-consciousness list.
1) In one week, me and my family are up and moving to China (thus the visa photos) !!!!!
2) Contrary to somewhat popular belief, we are moving to China and not back to China. None of us have ever lived there, except for one summer I spent in Shanghai during college.
3) I tend to blog as a form of procrastination (thus blogging the night before the movers are coming rather than packing or sleeping)
4) I used to be an engineer
5) After studying Materials Science & Engineering for 6 years, I realized I actually wanted to work as a Mechanical Engineer. go figure.
6) The common theme among a lot of things I like to do (e.g. photography, cooking, knitting, craft projects, engineering) seems to be this insatiable need to create
7) When I got married, I only had to add one letter to my maiden name to get my husband's last name... and I didn't even need to change my signature. Convenient.
OK, jean, rebecca, wendy, sarah, julie, michele, joanne... your turn.